We help our partners increase their capacity to achieve their mission by matching them with diverse, talented individuals from the community. Here is how we’ve helped some of our partners.
Technology Leadership High School (TLHS) partnered with Public Allies New Mexico in 2018-2019 after identifying that they had a gap in their capacity to connect and form partnerships with companies in the technology industry. By hosting an Ally, TLHS hoped to create more opportunities for their students while enrolled and after they graduate. TLHS was partnered with Public Allies New Mexico Ally Rikki Giron.
During Rikki’s term of service, she helped TLHS revise their community outreach plan and recruited 9 new community and industry partners enabling enable the school to be more effective at engaging youth in the technology industries. In fact, Rikki did such a good job that TLHS hired her on as a full-time employee to continue to form new partnerships with the technology industry in Albuquerque.
Encuentro New Mexico strives to transform New Mexico into a thriving community for all of its residents by engaging Latino immigrant families in education and career development opportunities that build skills for economic and social justice. Encuentro offers several programs, including a Home Health Aide certification in partnership with Central New Mexico Community College. Having identified a need for an improved curriculum for the Home Health Aide Certification program, and improved improved processes for tracking program outcomes, Encuentro partnered with Public Allies New Mexico for the 2018-2019 program year and hosted Ally Mayte Lopez-Monzon.
Encuentro Executive Director Andrea Plaza shared many positive reflections on Mayte’s contributions, including, “Mayte was able to coordinate various sources of teaching materials and align them with the curriculum as implemented by [Central New Mexico Community College]. This is an essential part of promoting student success as those materials form the basis of our flipped classroom approach, which provides wrap around support to help students deeply learn the material, practice with hands-on activities and prepare for a successful exam.”
Andrea further stated, “Not only was Encuentro able to grow an essential program for the organization with support from our [Mayte], but we were able to hire [her on] after their service as a full time member of our staff!”
Type of Capacity Increase Experienced by Our Partners
Want to Learn More?
To learn more about hosting an Ally, click here. If you are ready to apply, complete our online application, after which you’ll be contacted by one of our local staff.
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