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There’s No Space Like a PA Space!

At Public Allies, we know that there’s no space quite like a PA space, and we were reminded of this truth during our first Regional (East Coast) Alumni Assembly Room. Massive thanks to all of you who joined us for this event. Your energy, participation, and enthusiasm was incredible!


Mark Your Calendars for the Next Assembly Room 

While we enjoyed our time with the East Coast Alum, we’re also gearing up for our next big assembly room. Mark your calendars for the upcoming national assembly room on March 21, 2024, from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM EST. This is one you won’t want to miss, and we can’t wait to connect with all of you!


Recap of Our East Coast Assembly Room –

Here’s a recap of what went down during the East Coast Assembly Room:


Alumni 2 Alumni Catch-Up and Networking: We kicked things off with Alumni 2 Alumni sessions, where attendees had the chance to catch up and connect. If you couldn’t make it but would like to catch up, we’d love to hear from you! Fill out this survey and let us know what you’ve been up to.

The Soundtrack of PA: What musical jam best represents your time as a Public Ally? We asked our alumni just that and received some awesome submissions. You can listen to these jams on our PA Spotify playlist. If you have your own jam to add, don’t hesitate to send it our way!

Exploring LEE’s Impact: We’ve been hearing fantastic feedback from our alumni about recent events hosted by our partners at Leadership for Educational Equity (LEE). If you’re curious what all the buzz is about, we encourage you to register with LEE and explore some of their upcoming events. 

Rapid Coordination Session: We wrapped up the assembly room with a dynamic rapid coordination session. During this session, alumni shared exciting opportunities and upcoming projects they’re working on. Want to know more? Check out the links below to see what your fellow East Coast alumni are up to:



Malkia Lydia (PADC ‘93) shared about her two upcoming film projects (WHAT’S IN A NAME? & REUNION CHOIR) learn more and donate to this work at Kuyamba Media.




Jasmine Uribe (PANY ‘05 ‘06) shared her experience with Public Allies, New York, and encouraged others to sign up for a program called Vote Run Lead. She also highlighted her work with The Bronx Collab, which is a business incubator and co-working space in New York.



Eboni Blake (PANC ‘10) founded EBI Labs, a consulting firm supporting Salesforce projects, and expressed interest in collaborating with fellow alumni.



Erin Lavitt (PACT ‘16) shared about a job opportunity in Baltimore City in community development grant work for the State of Maryland and offered to provide recommendations for candidates.


River Missal (PANO ‘20) introduced a new opportunity with the Pennsylvania parks and forest foundation’s trail steward program for volunteers in Pennsylvania. Email – for more info.



Get a heads up on the next Alumni Assembly Room, by signing up for the Alumni Newsletter. You can also get in touch with the Alumni squad by email, leaving us a voice message, or scheduling a 30-minute catch up!

Public Allies