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Month: April 2020

Public Allies Launches COVID-19 Resource Page

A little over a month ago Public Allies provided an update on COVID-19 and committed to, “taking our role as a learning and sharing community seriously during this time of crisis, finding ways to connect and hold space to gather in solidarity to support each other through this unsettling moment.” Since that time we have Read More

COVID-19 Relief for Student Loan Borrowers

With so many of our Alumni carrying student loan debt, and a large portion enrolled in either the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program and / or Income-Driven Repayment plans, we wanted to make sure you had information on how the CARES Act impacts your loans. Please note that the following only applies to federal students Read More

Public Allies Los Angeles Alum Shares How to Launch a Mutual Aid Network In Your Community

A ray of light through the COVID-19 crisis has been the individual and collective actions undertaken to support communities across the country and the world. One example is Public Allies Los Angeles alum and current Program Manager, daNaE Tapia who, along with their family, has set up a mutual aid network on their block in Read More

Tips on messaging, social media, and email marketing for nonprofits during the COVID-19 crisis

COVID-19 has presented unique challenges to all nonprofits. Many are in a place that is completely unfamiliar and requiring new skills and approaches in order to continue operations and stay connected. To lend a hand, last week we provided Information on Federal Loan Support for Nonprofits. Since then, we’ve been reviewing a lot of surveys Read More

Information on Federal Loan Support for Nonprofits

Public Allies has been closely monitoring the quickly-evolving legal developments in response to COVID-19 and thinking about how these new laws can assist nonprofits in the critical work that they do in community. Public Allies wants to make sure the nonprofit community is aware of a number of new loan programs under the federal Coronavirus Read More

Public Allies