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Month: July 2023

Summer of Connections

Alumni Link up in the Latest Assembly Room     July’s Alumni Assembly Room kicked off by checking in with Public Allies CEO and 1994 PA Milwaukee Alum, Jenise Terrell. From her experience as an Alum to her passion for community development,  Jenise shared how she has experienced her return to the organization  since the Read More

Ways to Celebrate Disability Pride Month

source:  GoodGoodGood   #DisabilityPrideMonth is celebrated every July in honor of the month that The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed in 1990. Disability Pride Month is a time for all disabled people to unapologetically celebrate our bodies as they are. Whether you are disabled or an ally, Disability Pride Month is full of so much Read More

Maintaining Hope

by Andreu Rydbom. Recently, Andreu Rydbom (Public Allies Central Florida ’23), surprised us with a one-of-a-kind painting to celebrate the bond within our movement. This beautiful piece is a timely reminder to reflect on on our past while maintaining hope for the future. It was only a year ago, in a painful and misguided restructuring, Read More

Public Allies