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Month: November 2020

Listen and Let Lead: Dr. Meredith Shockley-Smith

Whether it be students struggling with education, Black mothers losing babies, or a community beset by any number of issues, Dr. Meredith Shockley-Smith’s proposed solutions always start the same way: Listen to those most impacted. Let them lead.  Simple but true, this asset-based mindset has guided Meredith, an alum of Public Allies Cincinnati (‘07), through Read More

The Leaders Giving Us Hope Amidst a Chaotic 2020

In a year as chaotic as 2020, what gives you hope for the future? At Public Allies, we see hope in the many faces of emerging, diverse, values-driven leaders. Working in communities across the country, the tireless service of our Allies and alumni brings to life the vision of a more just and equitable society. Read More

Cisco Supports Public Allies with Fighting Racism and Discrimination Fund

Cisco established the Fighting Racism and Discrimination Fund in 2017 to elevate organizations, including Public Allies, working for social justice. Cisco employees have been invited to contribute to the Fund and over 3,000 have answered the call, raising hundreds of thousands in donations and Cisco Foundation matching in support of this important work. On June 1, Read More

In a Historic Election, Alumni Led the Way

While the chaos of this election cycle will be analyzed for years to come, the leadership and impact of our alumni on the election was resoundingly clear. Across the country, Public Allies alumni ran for office and empowered others to do the same, and participated in game-changing efforts to organize and mobilize our communities. Their Read More

Powering a Sustainable Future: Garrison Davis

To Garrison Davis, the nature preserve bordering his childhood home was a sanctuary. “It’s where I went to think, relax, and appreciate life,” he says. Now, his mission is to protect that preserve and the environment we all share. Garrison’s service journey started shortly after high school. Joining the Public Allies Delaware AmeriCorps apprenticeship program Read More

Public Allies