threads DONATE

Month: November 2023

Does this look TOO Tuesday?

No doubt by now your digital space is c h o c k f u l l of Giving Tuesday messages. Surprise, here’s another from yours truly!   But listen, if you know anything about being a proud Public Allies Alum and our newsletters, then you know anything we do, we’re gonna hit different. We Read More

In the Spirit of Giving

Who We Are … Public Allies manages a national network of over 10,000 civic leaders and change agents. We engage in development and community-building amongst upstart antiracist leaders, particularly those from diverse or underrepresented backgrounds (including BIPOC individuals and people from varied education levels, diverse socioeconomic statuses, nontraditional sexual or gender identifications, etc.). In the Read More

There’s No Space Like a PA Space!

At Public Allies, we know that there’s no space quite like a PA space, and we were reminded of this truth during our first Regional (East Coast) Alumni Assembly Room. Massive thanks to all of you who joined us for this event. Your energy, participation, and enthusiasm was incredible!   Mark Your Calendars for the Read More

Public Allies