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Public Allies Launches COVID-19 Resource Page

A little over a month ago Public Allies provided an update on COVID-19 and committed to, “taking our role as a learning and sharing community seriously during this time of crisis, finding ways to connect and hold space to gather in solidarity to support each other through this unsettling moment.” Since that time we have asked our community – including Alumni and nonprofit partners – how Public Allies could support them as we all confront this crisis and a common response has been to share resources.

To that end, today Public Allies is launching a COVID-19 Resource page. Our focus for this space is on sharing resources related to three categories: 1) Those supporting nonprofits and small businesses, 2) those supporting individuals in our community, and 3) those focusing on actions individuals can take to support their communities during this time. We will continue to update the page regularly.

If you have relevant resources to share with us – or you are looking for help findings specific resources – please email them to Sean Luedke (

Yours in service,

Public Allies

Public Allies