threads DONATE

Contribute to the Power of the Collective

As we reflect back on 2023, one of our biggest learnings is that the work and values of Public Allies is needed in our country now more than ever. When our democracy is threatened, we need to work even harder to make Public Allies programs more accessible to ensure that everyone can lead. Please give generously so that, together, we can invest in a more just and equitable society and the diverse leadership to sustain it.

With your support, we’ve accomplished so much! Since our founding in 1992, over 10,000 Allies have served a total of 16,682,332 hours with at least 3,000 non-profit partners (and counting!). These antiracist leaders, particularly those from diverse or underrepresented backgrounds, are committed to continued civic leadership and addressing critical community needs each and every day. They are securing greater resources for K-12 education, breaking barriers in public service, building coalitions across organizations and interests, helping heal the wounds caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and so much more.


With your support, this work is possible.


In 2024, we look forward to further innovating with you, our Allies, and partners across our entire network as we continue to introduce Public Allies and our commitment to service to the next generation of leaders. We can’t wait to see what our next class of Allies can do! Click here to invest in this future.


P.S. Your recurring contribution ensures ongoing sustainability of our work.

Please consider making a monthly, quarterly, or annual gift to Public Allies.

Public Allies