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Pride in Action: Allies and Partners

This Pride Month, we celebrate our Public Allies AmeriCorps members and partner organizations working daily for LGBTQ+ equality and well-being:

Mileena Muhammad (Chicago) partners with the Broadway Youth Center to make life healthier and happier for young people who identify as LGBTQ+, and especially young people who do not have stable housing. “As Youth Development Specialist, I support LGBTQ youth by distributing food, hygiene supplies, and clean clothes. As a trans woman who used to attend the center as a young person, it is so rewarding to give back and create a space free of judgement,” says Mileena.

Lito Castillo Rodriguez (Arizona) partners with one•n•ten to provide LGBTQ+ youth with tools to improve self-esteem and self-acceptance. “My work has focused on expanding services to the Spanish-speaking LGBTQ community by providing translation, creating collateral material in both English and Spanish, and planning and delivering programs focusing on the Spanish-speaking community,” says Lito.

Jinx (Milwaukee) partners with Courage MKE to provide housing, resources, and services needed for displaced and homeless LGBTQ+ youth in Milwaukee to thrive. “As a queer indigenous two-spirit person, I know first-hand the struggles that come with being part of the LGBTQ+ community. Being able to provide educational aid, guidance, and holistic care services to the awesome teen residents at Courage House is a step in a direction that feels progressive, fulfilling, and right,” says Jinx.

Partner with Public Allies

Thousands of nonprofits have partnered with Public Allies since 1992 to provide apprenticeships for diverse, emerging leaders who are driven by our values and committed to strengthening their community. To learn more about how a Public Allies member can support your efforts around environmental sustainability or a number of other vital community issues, contact us.

Public Allies