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Public Allies Statement on the Murder of George Floyd and Persistent Systemic Racism

Public Allies and its network of nonprofit partners are horrified and saddened by the tragic—yet all too familiar—events of the past week. We grieve with our Black friends, colleagues, and fellow citizens as they have been shown, once again, the blatant disregard with which they are held by too many people and too many of our nation’s institutions. We stand in solidarity with our Black brothers and sisters and demand they be respected, first, as humans, and second, as an invaluable source of our country’s creativity, innovation, and vibrancy.

For 27 years, Public Allies has worked to dismantle systems of inequity, racism and oppression in our country by helping young people—mostly of color and many of them Black—find their voice and step into their leadership. We are proud of our alumni, who are a powerful, passionate and illustrious group of leaders and advocates across all sectors. Yet decades into our and others’ work, it’s clear we still have so much left to do.

The killing of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and others, in addition to the discrimination against Christian Cooper, are a reflection of the fear-based, exclusionary mindsets that underlie many of our laws and systems and much of our culture. The same can be said of the disproportionate impact of the pandemic on our Black and Brown communities.

The time is now. A “new normal” is being established in our country. We must embrace this opportunity to root out the biases inherent in many of our systems and rules. And we must accelerate progress through an infusion of leadership with a firsthand understanding of what it’s like to try to thrive in a racist world. Black lives not only matter, they are critical to ensuring our country’s promise and to an enduring and prosperous future that is built by and for everyone.

Public Allies’ Network of Partners

  • Arizona State University Lodestar Center for Philanthropy & Nonprofit Innovation – Phoenix, Arizona
  • Baltimore Corps – Baltimore, Maryland
  • Bay Area Community Resources – San Francisco, California
  • Catalyst Miami – Miami, Florida
  • Community Development Technologies – Los Angeles, California
  • Coro Center for Civic Leadership – Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
  • Eagle Rock School & Professional Development Center – Estes Park, Colorado
  • Embrace Family Solutions – Orlando, Florida
  • Indianapolis Neighborhood Resource Center – Indianapolis, Indiana
  • Pillsbury United Communities – Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • Public Allies Chicago – Chicago, Illinois
  • Public Allies Cincinnati – Cincinnati, Ohio
  • Public Allies Milwaukee – Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  • Public Allies New Orleans – New Orleans, Louisiana
  • Public Allies New York – New York City, New York
  • Public Allies Washington, DC – Washington, DC
  • Regional Youth Adult Social Action Partnership (RYASAP) – Bridgeport, Connecticut
  • University of New Mexico Community Engagement Center – Albuquerque, New Mexico
Public Allies