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Strengthening and Reimagining Public Allies, Together


There has been a considerable amount of disruption to our beloved Public Allies community over the last few months, and we recognize the need to illuminate a path forward for the organization in alignment with our mission and core values.


In collaboration with local site and national office staff, the Public Allies Executive Team is humbled to provide a look into critical next steps, as outlined in the four phases below. We invite you to hold us accountable on these action items and look forward to sharing further updates with the network soon:


Immediate Stabilization

August – September 2022

Priorities include:

  • AmeriCorps + compliance
  • Triage staffing (short-term)
  • Private grant relationships
  • Interim executive team/staffing plan
  • Financial analysis and budget development
  • Narrative and transparent communications

Healing & Reimagining

September – November 2022

Priorities include:

  • Rest and healing
  • Reimagined staff, Operating Partner, and Board of Directors operations and culture; staff (re)hires
  • Collaborative strategic planning
  • Site landscape and health analysis
  • Expanding support and resources for organizational and site operations

Rebuilding & Launching/Relaunching

October 2022 – August 2023

Priorities include:

  • FY23 program health
  • FY24 site launching and planning
  • Transparent progress sharing toward co-created goals
  • Alumni relationships and board service
  • Secure funding (AmeriCorps and private)
  • Hallmark 30 years of leadership


2023 and beyond

Priorities include:

  • Healthy launch and relaunch of sites in FY23, 24, and 25
  • Prioritization of in-person and virtual national spaces to facilitate collaborative, transparent, and aligned culture and decision making
  • Alumni and Inclusive Cultures work resumes
Public Allies